He prepared to follow that lane.
The sun shone brightly near the horizon, as the sun was slowly setting in the distance. He knew that he had to get going if he wanted to make it in time. He debated packing some things to bring with him, but he knew the journey would not be that long, so he didn't bother. He quickly penned a note to his family, so that they would know where he had gone. He stepped from his home and began hobbling towards the setting sun, trying to hurry as fast as he could. He came upon a lane that seemed to go directly into the middle of the orange sun. The sun was now only half visible as it was quickly becoming obscured by the landscape. The man hobbled faster, the closer he got to the sun, his limp lessened. Just before he met the sun's rays and was enveloped in the splendor, he was running. He ran with open arms into the bright rays.
Again, this is very week 11, though what I particularly liked the 'cold' piece was the reader's chance to fill in the blanks and draw his own conclusions. Here, everything is tied up neatly for us, maybe a little too neatly.