Saturday, August 31, 2013

Week 1 Pt: Friday

Today I finally went back to work. My boredom and complaining have ceased and my boyfriend is thanking his lucky stars. I have a conflicting relationship with work, regardless of the location of my job. I hate being bored and having "nothing to do", but when I'm at work I hate that I am stuck there for hours and I feel like I am missing out on events. This never ending struggle is wearing me thin. When I worked two jobs I had no days off, and I yearned for a moment of peace and tranquility. Now that I am working one job, and I have 3 days off in a row, I am bored, listless, and anxious to feel useful. I am even considering a picking up a 2nd job, silly me! Hopefully, I will be able to volunteer somewhere and expand my skills, but also contribute to bettering others.

1 comment:

  1. Whew, it's hard to be happy--just like Goldilocks: too hot, too cold, but, yes, finally, just right! Maybe you too will find 'just right.'
