Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Week 13: Prompt 1

Loosely holding hands, not even aware of doing so, but, still, skin touching skin....I looked up at him.  He smiled down at me and squeezed my hand harder. We kissed underneath the apple tree, the moonlight peeking through the trees, illuminating our figures. Suddenly, without warning he left me..alone. I stared down at my hand, willing it to feel his warmth again. 
Cold aching pierced my heart. The officers in front of me were still talking, but I heard nothing. I gasped for air, and my lungs quivered at the effort. Tears streamed down my face. I couldn't believe he was gone. I ran to the apple tree, I vaguely heard the officers follow me. Underneath the tree, the moon shimmered down. The officers grabbed both my hands to pull me up. I didn't let go of them. I stared at our hands, intertwined underneath the apple tree, where it had all began. 

1 comment:

  1. Fiction? Nonfiction? I can't really react to the writing until I know the genre.
