Friday, September 20, 2013

Week 4: Prompt 1

You have a friend, lover, s.o., parent, whomever--and you have a magic potion. Once they take it they will tell you the absolute truth for one minute. Who do you give it to and what do they say?

There has always been one person that when I look back upon, I realize that our whole relationship was one big lie. If I had a truth serum, I would give it to him. Unfortunately, I did not realize he was a cad early on, and I gave this person everything I could offer, I suffered dearly for my naivety  Chris didn't start off a bad guy, he and I had a great friendship-nothing more. 

Eventually, I learned that he and his girlfriend were having problems and were no longer together. The relationship between Chris and I blossomed. I became the love-struck girl and gave him everything he asked. Then one day, I showed up at his house. He was not home, but the door was unlocked. No matter what a girl days, they always take an opportunity to snoop. I entered his bedroom. A girly comforter was on the nicely made bed, pictures scattered throughout of Chris and his "ex", women's hygiene products all over the bathroom sink. My heart sank, and my lunch of turkey and cheese leapt up into my throat. I quickly left the room and ran to my car, tears streaming down my face. Once I had calmed down, I called him. I learned that she had never moved out and they had been together the whole time; and what I thought was a promising future, had merely been a "booty call" for him.  

I am proud to say that I healed from that heartbreak, but I do regret that I was never able to ask why he would do such a thing. I speculate that he thought it would be fun and adventurous, and I was some mindless entertainment to help get him through the rough patch of his other relationship.  Thanks to Facebook, all people have the power to "check up on" most anyone. My recent findings show that he cheated on the girl he chose over me, and he had a baby with his new booty call. Once a cheater, always a cheater.  


  1. Whew, please break something this long into shorter paragraphs--for my sake, certainly, but also for your own as a writer. Think in terms of larger units, paragraphs, as you write, as well as smaller units, sentences.

  2. Whew, again, what an awful story. Men are dogs, for the most part, and young men are horndogs--for the most part.

    I'm taking pity on you and not asking you to actually give Chris the truth serum so we can hear his rationalizations, male bluster, locker room philosophizing and so on. The story is too nasty already for me to expect you to dig into it more deeply....
