I sit up in bed, and cock my head to the side. The constant noise lures me in. I remain perfectly still and strain my ears to locate the source of the noise.
the rhythmic dripping drives me insane. I glance next to me, my boyfriend is not in bed. Instant fear leaps into my belly and my throat feels like it is closing. I focus on my breathing, trying to slow it down back to a consistent speed.
I slowly spread the blankets back, and noiselessly get out of bed. I slip my feet into my awaiting slippers and silently make it to the bedroom door. Still trying to locate the noise. Once I reach the door, I see a faint light under the bathroom door. I gulp and reach for the door. I slowly and quietly turn the handle and push the door open. There stands my boyfriend, shaving, and the water is on a slow drip. I can breathe normal again.
In my house, if I wake up to a slow drip, it means there's an icedam on the roof and that water has backed up and is coming through the ceiling, leaving water stains or, worse, taking the whole ceiling down with the added weight of water.
I do see the small to large here, though you might underline the large fear aspect a little harder.