Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 5: Prompt 2

You go on a journey.

For me, I never go much farther then Bar Harbor. For one, travelling it too expensive, and for two, Maine is so pretty why go anywhere else. Typically, a trip to Bar Harbor also features my boyfriend's father. He is jovial man who dabbles in photography and always has a camera slung around his neck. Our trips usually consist of short one line commands,
Then Randy will get out of the car and start taking pictures of whatever his keen eye spotted. When he is in "camera mode" he usually starts muttering to himself
"O look at that! That's gonna be great, now I just need it from another angle....annnnd OK, I got it!"
I don't mind. It's nice to have an excuse to get out of the house and be given the tour by the Master Mainer. The hour trip home is usually pretty eventful as Randy reviews all his shots and has to show us each one. While we don't mind, I just wish he wouldn't stick the camera in the driver's face, while he is driving :)


  1. Here, no, I don't think so--we're looking for a narrative, a problem to be resolved or not, conflict, dead mice, sexist co-workers, something with some edge. Instead we get a harmless shutterbug.

    Try a rewrite.
