Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Week 1 Pt 1: 3rd Person Autobiography

She was always buried in a book, using it as her escape from the things in her life that upset her. Books became her way to explore the world, make connections, and experience things through the words she read on the page. Eventually, reading the words were not enough for her, she began to write. A dream grew in her heart, she wanted to write for millions and have everyone read her work. She worked hard on novels, but she was never able to finish one. Perhaps, the finality of finishing a novel scared and terrified her being. Eventually, she grew up and the unfinished novels were thrown into storage and began to collect dust. Sadly, her mother talks wistfully of the vibrant, little girl with all the great and wonderful ideas. However, the imaginative girl grew tamed by the reality of life, but she still hides within her soul waiting for her moment to be released. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to use this space to comment on all three of the writer's autobiographical sketches.

    You have a clear idea of what you want to say, and you find three slightly different angles on it, three overlapping takes on the same ideas. The nice thing here is the little variations you use in conveying the information--that shows flexibility and an ease with words, sentences, ideas, and lets me know that you understand how words are a game to be played and a puzzle to be solved--not everyone knows that!
